Storage Server Top Features

We are always with you with 24/7 Support services. All you have to do is enjoy the quality digital experience.

SSD NVMe Disk Drives

Say goodbye to traditional mechanical HDD and say hello to the revolutionary (SSD). With its flash-based memory and faster performance, SSDs have become the go-to storage solution for modern computers.

Unlimited Bandwidth

We offer unlimited traffic for both incoming and outgoing data. Yes, you heard that right. There are no limits on the amount of traffic your hosting site or app can receive. And the best part? It's completely free.

VPS Full Root Access

Having full root access means having complete authority over your servers. You can customize your VPS any time. Our native /64 IPv6 block infrastructure ensures that networking issues are kept to a minimum.

Enhanced Performance

You have complete control over the CPU, disk space, RAM, and all other resources. Full root control. There's no need to be concerned about other people's website traffic affecting your website's performance.

Why choose Re­venueServe­r for storage server hosting?

When it come­s to storage server hosting, choosing Re­venueServe­r brings numerous advantages that significantly enhance­ your online operations. Firstly, Reve­nueServer offe­rs high performance thanks to state-of-the­-art technology, ensuring smooth operation and lightning-fast re­sponses for seamless we­bsite and application functionality. In addition, their 100% DCMA Ignored se­rvice frees you from unne­cessary takedowns and disruptions caused by DMCA complaints. Lastly, Re­venueServe­r's robust network infrastructure is enhance­d with a 1Gbps Uplink for rapid data transmission and minimal lag time. Combined with their e­xcellent customer se­rvice, these fe­atures make Reve­nueServer the­ ultimate choice for depe­ndable storage serve­r hosting.


Offshore Storage Server Pricing

NOT ALLOWED: Pentesting, Phishing & Fraud, Email Spamming or SMTP Spam or Bulk Emails Outgoing, Spoofing, IP Scanner, Crypto Mining, DDoS and Botnet. 100% Service will be Terminated without Notice.

Option Processor (CPU's) Memory (RAM) Disk Storage Dedicated Bandwidth IPv4 Buy Quarterly get 5% OFF Price (USD) Add to Cart
A 04 vCore 04 GB DDR4 2 TB (RAID0) 300 Mbp/S Unlimited 01

$ 79 /mo

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B 2X E5-2430L 32 GB DDR4 24 TB (RAID0) 1 Gbp/S Unlimited 01

$ 305 /mo

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B 2X E5-2630 128 GB DDR4 288 TB (RAID0) 5 Gbp/S Unlimited 01

$ 1598 /mo

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Additional IPv4 = 3.99 USD/mo

Why is digital storage so expensive?

Digital storage can be expensive due to various factors. Primarily, the cost of production, including the raw materials, manufacturing, quality checks, and marketing involved, significantly influence the price. High-quality, highly reliable digital storage devices such as SSD are made using complex processes and advanced materials, further elevating costs. Also, with the enormous data generated every second globally, the demand for storage is always on the rise, which can inflate prices due to high demand relative to supply. Furthermore, some costs are hidden, such as research and development (R&D) costs. Companies invest heavily in R&D to stay competitive and develop innovative storage solutions with faster speeds, encryption, better power management, and enhanced reliability. Additionally, factors like branding, warranty services, and product support also contribute to the price. Lastly, the regulatory taxes and customs duties in many countries can increase the final cost of the digital storage to the consumer. Therefore, when all these aspects are combined, digital storage is relatively expensive.

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Frequently Asked Questions

If you are looking for Storage Dedicated Server outside of your country, our offshore server is a useful option. Before selecting the appropriate hosting plan for yourself or your business, let us address any doubts or inquiries you may have.

1) What happens if my bandwidth is over or run out?

This wouldn't be an issue if your storage server bandwidth is unlimited. An unlimited bandwidth guarantees 100% uptime and seamless operation, ensuring that your online activities are not disrupted. Plus, being 100% DMCA ignored, it implies no limitations or legal issues associated with copyrighted content.

2) Are you looking for a Storage VPS that are cheap, reliable, fast and secure?

If you are in search of a Storage VPS that is not only cheap but also reliable, fast, and secure, consider the offerings from the revenueserver Hosting company. Revenueserver provides a range of VPS storage solutions that seamlessly align with your specific needs. systems are incredibly reliable, reducing the risk of downtime, and possess top-notch security measures to ensure your data is comprehensively protected. Their reasonably priced packages make them an affordable choice without compromising on quality.